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Carrot Soup with Ginger

Category: Soups, Hot






4 Shallots 2 Garlic cloves 4 Carrots 2 Tbsp. olive oil 2 Tbsp. honey Salt and freshly ground pepper Ground cumin 2 c. chicken stock 1 Tbsp. grated ginger


I basically just fried some minced shallots and garlic in a little olive oil and once this had become translucent I added my previously roasted carrots (I cut up 4 large carrots into chunks and tossed them in a combination of olive oil, 2 tbsps of honey, salt, pepper and cumin powder. I cooked them in a very hot oven for 45 mins until they had caramelised and were cooked through). I used two cups of chicken stock and added a good tablespoon of grated ginger. I let it come to a boil and used my trusted “stab” blender to whizz everything up. I garnished the dish with a dash of cream and some parsley (coriander would have been even better here). Enjoy!


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