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Chicken Breasts Stuffed with Dried Tomatoes and Goat Cheese

Category: Main Course, Chicken

Serves: 4





3 large sweet red peppers 4 boned chicken breasts 8 - 10 T. goat cheese 10 oil-packed sun-dried tomatoes, coarsely chopped 5 T. olive oil 2 T. chopped fresh thyme or rosemary


Preheat oven to 400°. Roast the peppers over a gas fire or under a broiler until the skins blacken. Place the peppers in a plastic bag while they are still hot. Close the bag and let stand 10 minutes. Remove the peppers and rinse under cold running water and rub off the skins. Slice into 1/4” strips and set aside. Partially separate the skin of the chicken breasts. Make a lengthwise slit in the meat about 1” deep and 2” long, creating a second pocket. In each pocket, make a layer of tomatoes, goat cheese, and roasted pepper. Generously coat each breast with olive oil (about 1-1/2 T. per breast). Place the filled breasts on a grill pan with the skins up. Sprinkle the tops with generous amounts of thyme or rosemary. Bake for 30 minutes until the skins are crispy and the juices run clear.


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