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Chicken Soup

Category: Soups, Hot






Celery (bunch) Carrots (package) Parsnip (1) Turnip Garlic 1-2 cloves Fresh Parsley Leaves Fresh Dill Onion (1) Leek (1) Large kosher pullet 6 Peppercorns


Wash leek well. Remove skin from onion. Take leaves off celery, cut into slices. Peel carrots and cut into slices. Peel garlic. Tie leek, parsley leaves and dill. Put pullet in a large pot, cover with 2” water. Bring to boil and turn down flame to simmer for 1/2 hour. Remove fat and scum. Add vegetables to pot. Return to boil, turn to low and cook for 2 hours. Remove chicken, onion, parsnip and tied vegetables. Strain soup and simmer for 30-60 minutes. Remove vegetables.


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