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Chocolate Tagliatelle

Category: Desserts, Miscellaneous






200gr of semolina flour is sifted. Add 3 eggs and beat them. Add 50gr icing sugar... ... and then 50 gr cocoa powder.


Mix with a fork... ... and then work by hand into a smooth paste. Leave in the fridge for 90 minutes wrapped tightly in tin foil. Spread cocoa powder and some icing sugar on the work space and cut the dough in 3 pieces. Stretch the dough with the rolling pin until very thin. Spread more cocoa powder on the stretched dough so it won't stick when you roll it. Now the fun begins. Take the sharpest knife you have ... ... and cut 5mm wide ribbons from the rolled dough. The little spirals will unfold easily if you have sprinkled enough cocoa powder on top. Take the rolled tagliatelle one by one ... ... and unfold them onto a wire frame or dry cloth. Heat lots of water in a saucepan and boil the tagliatelle for a few minutes. As soon as they come up they are ready. Serve immediately with some melted butter ... ... or with a chocolate sauce. Here my delicious 70% cocoa content cream bergamot freshly made chocolate sauce.


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