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Cider Beetles

Category: Beverages






* 6 oranges * approx 6 cups firmly packed brown sugar, depends on the size of your oranges * 12 small cinnamon sticks * 12 small whole nutmegs * 24 whole allspice * 96 whole cloves


1. Slice oranges in half and scoop out the flesh without breaking through the orange rind. 2. Crumble sheets of foil into small balls to fill out your orange halves. 3. Place orange halves cut side up, like a bowl, on a wire rack on a baking sheet. Bake at 250°F for 2 hours or until dry and hard. 4. Once oranges have cooled, pack brown sugar firmly into each orange half, mounding slightly. 5. Arrange spices in the brown sugar to resemble beetles: use a cinnamon stick as the body, a nutmeg for the head, 2 allspice on each side of the head for eyes, and 6-8 cloves arranged as the legs/feet. 6. Wrap tightly in plastic wrap. 7. Directions for use, attach to gift beetles on decorative card: 8. Unwrap cider beetle and drop into 1 1/2 quarts apple juice or cider. Simmer for 30 min. Strain out whole spices and orange rind from cider to serve. May add 1/2 cup of brandy, and heat well. Store left over cider in the refrigerator.


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