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Circassian Chicken in Walnut Sauce

Category: Appetizers

Serves: 8





1 large onion plus 1/2 cup minced 1 cup coarsely chopped carrots 8 peppercorns Salt 2 bay leaves 6 sprigs parsley 3 lbs. chicken, cut up 1 T. walnut oil 1 t. plus 1 T. paprika 4 slices white bread, crusts removed 3-1/2 c. walnuts 2 medium cloves garlic, crushed 1/8 to 1/4 t. cayenne pepper


Simmer the large onion, carrots, peppercorns, salt, bay leaves and parsley in 1-1/2 quarts of water for 20 minutes. Add the chicken, and continue simmering 20 minutes longer, just until the chicken is done. Cool the chicken in the broth. Meanwhile, heat the walnut oil over very low heat, stirring in 1 t. of the paprika. Set aside in a warm place. Soak the bread in a little water and squeezed it dry. Grind the walnuts in a food processor or blender until fine. Spoon into a large bowl and set aside. When the chicken is cool enough to handle, remove it from the broth. Discard the skin and bones, and tear meat into bite-sized pieces and set aside. Strain the chicken stock and reserve. Crumble the bread into the walnuts. Stir in garlic, 1/2 cup minced onion, 1 T. paprika, cayenne pepper and 2 cups of reserved stock. Mix and process in batches to make smooth paste, using more stock as needed to make a thick sauce of pouring consistency. Season with salt. Mix half the sauce with the chicken pieces. Arrange the mixture on a serving platter, and pour the remaining sauce over it. Drizzle with the hot walnut-paprika oil. Serve cold or at room temperature.


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