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Decadent Sweet Cream Rice Pudding

Category: Desserts, Miscellaneous






1 cup sushi rice 6 cups whipping cream 3/4 cup sugar 1 Tbls. honey 1 Tbls. vanilla extract cinnamon or nutmeg


Fill a pan a third full with water. Set it on the stove over high heat to bring it up to a simmer. In the meantime, whip together your rice pudding. Add the rice to a large, heatproof mixing bowl. Pour in the cream. Add the sugar. Drizzle in the vanilla and the honey. Whisk the ingredients together really well. Be sure to break up any clumps of rice. By now, your water should be simmering. Turn the heat down to low. Place your bowl on top of the pot. Cap it off with a lid that fits the bowl well. If you don’t have a lid that fits your bowl, you can totally use aluminum foil instead. The idea is to keep the pudding moist and prevent it from forming a skin as it cooks. Simmer covered for about 2 hours, stirring occasionally. When you take the lid off to stir it, the condensation that’s formed on the underside of the lid will drip into the pudding. That’s just fine. Stir it right back in. After about an hour, you’ll notice that the rice is starting to expand and thicken the pudding. There should still be a fair amount of liquid, like this: After about 2 hours, your pudding should be nice and thick. The rice should be completely cooked, and the cream should have thickened to a custard-y texture. It should look about like this: When it’s done, turn the heat off and leave it on the stove, covered until it’s dessert time. When you’re ready to serve it, spoon the pudding out into dishes or thicker martini or wine glasses for a fancier presentation. Garnish with a little cinnamon or nutmeg (or a drizzle of honey, my personal favorite). Serve and enjoy!


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