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Double Crust Tomato, Onion and Bacon Pie

Category: Quiche, Tarts






* 1 recipe pie crust (9″ pie) - feel free to cheat and use refrigerated if you’re in a hurry * 4 very ripe tomatoes ~peeled, cored, and sliced * 1/2 medium onion * 3/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese * 3/4 cup shredded monterey jack cheese * 3 slices bacon crumbled * 3 TBSP mayonnaise * 1 tsp dried basil divided * salt/pepper to taste


Place the peeled and sliced tomatoes in a colander over a large bowl or the sink, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Allow to sit while preparing the other ingredients. Preheat the oven to 425F. Slice the onion very thinly. No, thinner. No, thinner still, we want the Calista Flockhart onions. In a bowl combine the cheese, bacon, and 3TBSP mayo. Mix thoroughly. Carefully lay the bottom pie crust in a 9″ pie plate. Arrange a layer of tomatoes, sprinkle with half the sliced onion and 1/2 tsp dried basil. Repeat the first layer with the remaining tomatoes, onion, and basil. Top with cheese mixture. Add second crust, seal the edges, and cut slits in the top. Bake for 45 minutes, checking after 30. Cover with foil if the crust browns early. (I got distracted and forgot to cover with foil). If you can wait to slice the pie, it will cool and the cheese won’t be as runny.


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