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Easter Pie

Category: Quiche, Tarts

Serves: 15 small servings





Filling 3 lbs. whole milk ricotta 3 large eggs 1/2 t. baking powder 1 c. freshly grated Romano cheese 1/2 lb. finely diced fresh prosciutto 1/4 lb. finely diced fresh mozzarella 1 lb. sweet Italian sausage cooked, drained and crumbled Crust 2-1/2 c. all purpose flour 2-1/2 t. baking powder Freshly ground black pepper 5 large eggs


Combine all the filling ingredients in a large bowl and set aside. Preheat oven to 350°. Combine flour, baking powder and pepper on a wooden or marble surface. Make a well in the center of he flour mixture and break 3 eggs into it. Incorporate the eggs into the flour, then add the remaining eggs. Knead the dough until it is smooth. Cover loosely with a damp towel and set aside to rest for 15 minutes. Divide the dough in half and set one portion aside. Cut the remaining half so that one part is slightly bigger than the other. Roll out the larger portion into a circle that is less than 1/8” think and large enough to fill and overlap the edges of a 9” pie plate. Place the dough in the pie plate. Smooth half the filling over it. Roll out the smaller dough portion and place it on top. Trim the excess dough, leaving enough to seal and crimp the edges. Make the second pie. Brush the tops with a little water. Cut slits in the tops. Bake for about 50 minutes in the center of the oven, until the tops are brown. Remove from oven and cool completely. Serve at room temperature.


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