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Fired Up Peaches and Cream

Category: Desserts, Fruit

Serves: 6





4 tablespoons butter, cut into small pieces 4 medium ripe peaches, sliced Pinch ground cinnamon 4 tablespoons brown sugar 4 shots whiskey 2 pints vanilla ice cream 1 canister whipped cream


Heat a large skillet over medium heat. Add butter, melt and add peaches then season them with cinnamon. Turn up heat to medium-high and cook peaches 3 minutes then add sugar and melt into the butter and peaches. Pull pan off stove, add whiskey, return pan to stove and tip skillet to set pan aflame, or set aflame with a kitchen match. When the flame dies out, scoop some ice cream into dishes, top with peaches and whipped cream and serve.


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