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Fry-Baked Chicken

Category: Main Course, Chicken






* 4 skinless chicken breasts with bone * juice of half a lemon * 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper, divided * 3 tbsp teriyaki sauce * 1/4 cup and 3 tbsp flour * 2 eggs, beaten in a shallow bowl * salt * fresh ground pepper


1. Marinate chicken breasts in lemon juice, 1/8 tsp cayenne pepper, teriyaki sauce and fresh ground pepper. Poke the meat with the fork several times and massage the marinade into the punctured meat for a couple of minutes. Cover in a bowl and leave for half an hour or more. 2. Mix your flour dredges in two separate wide and shallow bowls: (Dredge #1) 3 tbsp flour, 1/4 tsp salt, fresh ground pepper; (Dregdge #2) 1/4 cup flour, 1/8 tsp cayenne pepper. 3. Place your pan in medium heat with enough vegetable oil to coat the bottom. Make sure oil is very hot before frying. 4. Preheat your oven to 300ºF. 5. Drain chicken to get rid of excess marinade. Dredge and dip chicken pieces individually in this order: Dredge #1, tap excess flour. Dip in beaten egg. Dredge #2, tap excess flour. 6. Fry for 4 minutes each side and place on an oven safe dish. 7. Bake chicken for 10 minutes, turning it halfway.


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