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Ginger Cheesecake

Category: Desserts, Cakes






2 cups crushed pecans 1 1/2 cups crushed ginger snaps 1/2 cup melted butter (1 stick) 3 tsp crushed ginger cake 3 eggs 2 8oz packages cream cheese 3 cups sour cream 1 cup sugar 2 tsp vanilla 1/4 tsp salt 2 Tbsp fresh ginger, peeled and grated


1. crush the pecans and ginger snaps in a food processor (i only recomment the processor because both of these things are really difficult to crush by hand or even with a rolling pin). add to the melted butter and sprinkle in the crushed ginger. mix until moist. press crust into the bottom of a 9″ springform pan. 2. microwave the cream cheese to soften it and add it to the sour cream. mix in the eggs, sugar, vanilla, salt and fresh grated ginger. pour over the crust in the pan. 3. bake at 375 F for about 45 minutes. the cake will be done when the sides and edges are firm and turn a bit golden brown. the middle may still jiggle a bit when you move the cake but it will continue baking from the inside. DO NOT open the oven door until the 45 minutes have passed. cool the cake slowly after the baking is finished (to avoid cracks) by turning off the oven and opening the door so the temperature does not drop so quickly. after about a half hour in the open oven, move the cake to a wire rack to cool to room temperature. refrigerate until chilled before serving.


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