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Grilled Chocolate Sandwich

Category: Desserts, Miscellaneous

Serves: 6-8





8 oz. bittersweet chocolate 1/2 c. heavy cream 12 - 16 slices of white bread Handful of chocolate chips 3 - 4 T. soft butter


Chop the chocolate fine and set in a medium bowl. Heat the cream in a small saucepan until just boiling and pour over the chopped chocolate. Let stand 1 minute, then whisk until smooth. Refrigerate until just slightly solid, about 30 minutes. Spread a layer of the chocolate mixture 1/4” thick (approximately 2 - 3 T) on half of the bread slices to within 1/4” of the edges. Press 2 t. chocolate chips into the center. Spread a bit of softened butter on one side of the remaining slices. Place the buttered side up over the chocolate slices and press around the edges to seal. Freeze for 15 minutes. Heat skillet to medium and add the sandwiches, unbuttered side down. Heat until lightly toasted, about 1 minute. Flip to the buttered side, weight the sandwiches down and toast for another minute until golden. Cut in half. Shake with confectioners sugar if desired.


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