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Haystack Potatoes

Category: Potatoes






4 large baking potatoes 1/2 and 1/2 mixture of corn oil and butter Salt and pepper to taste


1. Preaheat the oven to 400 degrees. 2. Wrap each potato in foil and bake them 45 minutes. Turn off the oven and let them sit on the oven rack for another 45 minutes. 3. Remove the potatopes from the foil and peel off their skins. Grate them coarsely. 4. In a large skillet over medium heat, melt several tablespoons of butter and an equal amount of corn oil. More oil and butter = crispier spuds. 5. When the oil is hot, empty the grated potatoes into the skillet and gently spred them into an even pancake. Push in loose edges with a spatula, but do not pat them down or compress them. 6. Sprinkle additional corn oil around the pancake and dot the top with little bits of butter. Season with salt and pepper as desired. 7. When the underside is golden brown, flip the potatoes over. This likely will require cutting the pancake into quarters to facilitate flipping. If you want tender insides to your haystack, it's essential not to let the pancake break up when you flip it. 8. Sprinkle a little more oil around the edges and fry until golden brown. 9. Serve immediately.


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