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Kid's Tomato Ketchup

Category: Dips, Sauces, Spreads






* 1 red onion, finely chopped * 1 red pepper, cored and finely chopped * 500g over ripe tomatoes, finely chopped * 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce Worcestershire sauce For stews, bolognese sauce and shepherd’s pie, over grilled cheese or on top of baked beans on toast Lea and Perrins was invented in Worcester in 1835 by John Lea and William Perrin. Both chemists, they put together a recipe that tasted disgusting and then left it in their cellar for two years. When they tasted it again, it had matured like a fine wine! Their recipe is still a secret to this day. * 1 tablespoon soft brown Sugar and Syrups Sugar and Syrups Try having in stock caster sugar, muscavado, honey and golden syrup o Once opened ensure they are tightly resealed with quick clips or bag clips. o If you have got rock-hard brown sugar, crystallised honey/syrup, place in a suitable non-metallic bowl and give a quick blast of about 30 seconds on high in the microwave to bring these back to their normal state. * 2 tablespoons Olive oil Olive oil Usually the darker green the oil, the richer the flavour. o Extra virgin olive oil is good for drizzling on salads and should never be heated as this destroys the fine properties o Lighter olive oil is good for adding to bread, or to flavour a salad or marinade for chicken, meat, fish or vegetables. Lighter olive oil can be gently heated and added to marinades and baking. * 2 teaspoons Balsamic vinegar Balsamic vinegar Perfect for salad dressings and italian dishes o A teaspoon or two of balsamic vinegar can wake up the flavour in a bland soup, stew or sauce. o A sprinkle of balsamic vinegar on fresh sliced strawberries or raspberries with a bit of sugar really brings out the flavour of the fruit. o Heat sweetens balsamic vinegar and boils out acidity. If you want to mellow the flavour, heat it. * 1 tablespoon Tomato puree Tomato puree Concentrate made from paste type tomatoes that have high pectin content. When they’re cooked down, they’re put through a strainer to remove skins and seeds, and reduced further until almost all of the moisture has evaporated. Usually a recipe will call for a tablespoon or two, just enough to enrich a beef stew, for instance, or to deepen the flavour of a sauce made with fresh tomatoes. * 1 x 400g Canned chopped tomatoes Canned chopped tomatoes Great for instant pizza sauce, pasta, curry sauces. o The tomatoes will keep for up to a week, but don’t store them in the opened tin because the metal will start to rust and spoil the food. Instead, tip the tomatoes into a plastic container, cover with a lid, or clingfilm and store in the fridge. o Alternatively, put the tomatoes in a freezer-proof container and freeze for up to 12 months.


1. In a frying pan heat the oil and cook the onions and red peppers for about 20-25 minutes until soft. 2. Add the tomato puree and the sugar and cook for 1-2 minutes. Add the ripe tomatoes with the can of chopped tomatoes and 300ml water. Allow to simmer for 20-25 minutes, then season well and add the balsamic vinegar and Worcestershire sauce. 3. Allow to cool slightly then put into a blender and process until smooth. If you want a really smooth finish push through a sieve. Allow to cool. It will keep for up to 2 weeks in the fridge.


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