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Oven-Fried Chicken

Category: Main Course, Chicken

Serves: 4





3 T. sea salt 8 chicken thighs 2 T. unsalted butter 1/2 c. all-purpose flour 1 t. coarsely ground black pepper


In the morning, combine 2 T. sea salt and a cup of warm water in a large bowl and stir to dissolve the salt. Add the chicken to the bowl, cover with very cold water, add a tray of ice cubes and stir the whole thing around a bit. Refrigerate on the lowest shelf until dinner. Preheat the oven to 400°F. Remove the chicken from the fridge and pat dry. Put the butter in a roasting pan large enough to hold all the chicken in one layer. Place the pan in the oven. In a 1-gallon freezer bag pour in the flour, the remaining tablespoon of sea salt and the pepper. Shake to mix well. Add the chicken a couple of pieces at a time and shake until thoroughly coated. Shake vigorously as you remove them from the bag to remove excess flour. Line them up on a plate and repeat until all the chicken is coated. Lay the pieces skin-side down and oven fry until chestnut brown and crisp on the bottom, 40 to 60 minutes. Use a thin spatula to lift them from the pan and turn them; cook the other side the same way. Remove from pan and drain on paper towels. Garnish with fresh pepper and sea salt. Variations: 1) after turning, top the browned-skin side with a canned peach half. 2) add Parmigiano Reggiano cheese and grated lemon zest to the flour mixture.


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