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Papos de Anjo (Angel Tummies)

Category: Desserts, Miscellaneous






7 egg yolks 1 egg 1 tbsp cornstarch 1/2 tsp baking powder 500 ml water 500 ml sugar Lemon zest Cinnamon stick Bring all the ingredients to boil for 1-2 minutes. Let it cool down before drenching the 'papos de anjo'.


Pre-heat the oven to 180ºC. Grease 20 small moulds. Whisk the egg yolks and the egg until it doubles its size. Add the cornstarch seived together with the baking powder and keep stirring. Pour the mixture into the moulds and bake for 10 minutes. Unmould and drench in the syrup. Bring all the ingredients to boil for 1-2 minutes. Let it cool down before drenching the 'papos de anjo'.


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