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Pizza Pinwheels

Category: Appetizers






Puff pastry tomato puree dried oregano ham slices sour cream


Flatten puff pastry into a rectangle about 0.5 cm thin. Spread tomato puree over. Make sure you leave one end of the rectangle without filling, about 3 cm wide. Ham on top, and some sour cream over the slices of ham. Season with oregano. Roll carefully, starting from the side opposite to the one without the filling, and yes, some of the filling will come out, no mater how careful you are. Cut into 1 cm wide pieces. Bake as it says on your puff pastry package, or preheat the oven to 180°C, and bake until done, about 15-20 minutes. Add slices of semi-soft cheese instead of sour cream or bacon instead of ham.


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