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Pluck It Cake

Category: Brunch






3 cans 10 count refrigerator biscuits 1 1/2 sticks of butter 1 1/2 cups brown sugar 1 1/2 tablespoons of cinnamon 1 cup chopped walnuts or pecans Bake at 350F for 45-55 minutes.


Preheat your oven to 350F. Start with your biscuits. Open 2 cans, and count out 15 biscuits, or 1 1/2 cans. Keep them separate from the other can and the other spare 5. This will make it easy to make sure your layers are evenly distributed. Cut each biscuit into quarters - one slice vertical, one slice horizontal, and put aside. Now, take all those quarters, and layer them in the bottom of your greased bundt pan. Once the first layer are in the pan, it's safe to go ahead and cut the other 1 1/2 cans of biscuits into quarters and have them ready for your second layer. In a small sauce pan, melt your butter. Remember, 1 1/2 sticks. Measure out 1 1/2 cups of packed brown sugar. Add the brown sugar to your melted butter. Then add 1 1/2 tablespoons of cinnamon. When you get a nice deep brown color, stir in 1 cup of chopped walnuts or pecans, your choice. When the mixture looks like the above (about 1-2 minutes), pour the mixture into a 2 cup measuring jug. You should have exactly 2 cups of this mixture now. 1 cup will go on the lower layer, and 1 cup will go on the top layer of biscuit quarters. Pour the mixture around the bundt pan, over the biscuit quarters. Remember, use only half of your mixture, about 1 cup. Once you've gone completely around the pan, and used 1 cup of your brown sugar mixture, start layering on the next set of biscuit quarters. When the pan looks like this, pour on your 2nd half of liquid. Now place your pan in your preheated oven, and bake for 45-55 minutes, or until golden brown. It is important not to overcook this cake. For all it's simplicity, it is a very easy cake to make tough by overcooking. So start conservatively at 45 minutes, and if it doesn't look like this picture at that mark, give it 5 more minutes, and keep checking back at 2-5 minute intervals. Once out of the oven, give the cake 10 minutes to cool slightly, and then flip on to a plate or platter: Now you can really see why it's called 'Pluck It' cake. As soon as this is even remotely cooled off enough to touch, humans become like ravenous hyenas, ripping this sucker apart. It's incredibly addicting, and once you've had one little piece, you can't stop eating it. P.S. Feel free to microwave a piece the next morning for breakfast. It's amazing warmed up the next day.


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