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Potato Gratin

Category: Potatoes

Serves: 8





2.2 lbs. potatoes 2 large onions salt and freshly ground black pepper butter for baking dish 3-1/2 oz. grated Gruyére cheese 3/4 c. chicken broth 3/4 c. light cream


Cut potatoes into thin slices and chop the onions. Place in a bowl, sprinkle with salt and pepper and mix well. Grease an ovenproof baking dish. Add in layers the potato mixture and the grated cheese. MIx the broth with 1/3 c. water and pour in dish. Cover with aluminum foil and bake 75 minutes at 350° in a preheated oven. When potatoes are tender, pour in the cream and bake uncovered an additional 15 minutes.


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