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Potatoes Anna

Category: Potatoes

Serves: 6





2-1/2 lbs. russet potatoes, peeled 4 - 6 T. unsalted butter, melted 1-1/2 t. kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper 1/8 t. freshly grated nutmeg


Heat medium nonstick or well-seasoned cast iron skillet over medium to medium-low heat. With a sharp knife or box grater, slice the potatoes as thinly as possible. Pat the potato slices dry on a kitchen towel. Add 1 T. butter to the pan and swirl to coat. Arrange the overlapping potato slices in concentric cirlcles over the bottom of the pan. Drizzle with 1 T. butter, and season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Repeat 2 more times making 3 layers. Cover the pan with aluminum foil and cook on low heat until the potatoes are golden brown on the bottom and crisp on the outside, about 30 minutes, shaking the pan occasionally to prevent sticking. Remove the tin foil and pour off and reserve any excess butter. Place a flat pan lid the diameter of the skillet over the potatoes, and, holding the lid firmly in place, gently flip over. Add the reserved butter to the pan and swirl over the bottom, slide the inverted potatoes back into the pan, and cook about 30 minutes mjore until the bottom is brown and crisp and the potatoes are cooked through, shaking occasionally to prevent sticking. Slice into wedges for serving.


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