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Pots De Creme

Category: Desserts, Miscellaneous






12 oz. Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips 4 Eggs, room temperature 2 t. Vanilla (OR Cognac, Grand Marner, etc.) pinch of salt 8 oz. Strong Hot Coffee.


Begin by throwing in 12 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chips. Crack in four eggs right on top of the chocolate chips. Add 2 teaspoons of vanilla. Next, add in a healthy pinch of salt. Now, put the lid on, for Pete’s sake. Then turn on the blender. Then, as soon as the mixture is blending, remove the circular disk from the blender lid and slowly pour in 8 ounces of strong, VERY HOT coffee. The mixture will slowly expand and rise in the blender. Just make sure you keep it in a slow stream and you’ll be fine. After you’ve added all the coffee, continue blending for a few more seconds until mixture is smooth, then turn off the blender. Just pour the mixture into all the glasses, leaving plenty of room to add whipped cream later. Now place the glasses into the fridge for 3 to 4 hours at least so the mixture will firm up. That’s what I’m gonna go do right now.


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