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Rosemary Peasant Bread

Category: Breads






* 1 packet dry yeast (or 2 1/2 tsp) * 2 c. warm water * 1 T. sugar * 2 tsp salt * 4 c. flour * 1-2 tsp. fresh Rosemary plus more for topping * Olive Oil, Corn meal, Melted butter and salt


Dissolve yeast in the warm water and sugar. (I like to buy yeast in a large package and then store it in a plastic container and keep in the freezer. It lasts forever. OR if you don’t make bread that often, just buy the yeast packets.) Add flour, salt, and 1-2 tsp Rosemary and stir until blended, do not Knead!! Cover and let rise for 1 hour or until double in size. If you have a Bosch Mixer, I keep the dough right in there with the top lid on, it’s nice and moist in there. Or simply keep it in the mixer bowl and cover with a moist cloth to raise. Remove dough. It will be sticky. I like to put shortening or oil on my hands for taking out the dough and shaping it. I think it works better than flour hands. Place it in 2 rounds on a cookie sheet lightly coated in oil and sprinkled with corn meal. OR you can place it on your silicone baking mat with no oil. Cover with a towel or greased plastic wrap. Then let it rise another hour. Brush each round with melted butter and lightly sprinkle with more Rosemary and salt, I used this great Sea Salt grinder from Costco. Bake @ 425 for 10 minutes, then reduce temp to 375 for 15 minutes more. Cool slightly, then cut into nice size bits or rip it apart and dip in a bowl of olive oil and balsamic vinegar. This bread can’t be beat! It is soooo delicious and a really easy bread recipe. If you’ve never made bread before, Rosemary Bread is a great one to start with.


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