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Sirniki (Cottage Cheese Pancakes)

Category: Brunch






* cottage cheese - 650g * egg yolks - 2 * 1 egg * plain flour - 70g * salt


Drain the cheese for 2 hours before using. Wrap in a muslin or a tea towel and hang it up to drip. Or place in a colander with a weight on top. When dry, rub the cheese through a sieve. Mix in the egg yolks. Beat the whole egg and add to the mix. Salt to taste. Beat until thoroughly blended then shape into rolls about 5cm in diameter. Chill for an hour. Sirniki Cut into slices about 2.5cm thick, dust them with flour and fry in butter. Drain on paper and serve with a bowl of soured cream. Or with a bit of salad. Depending on how much you like soured cream/how Russian you are.


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