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Slow-Roasted Creamy Rosemary Red Potatoes

Category: Potatoes






Sea salt. Rosemary Red potatoes Olive oil Crushed garlic (optional)


1. Put the oven on… now listen, I’m serious here – put it on 250 degrees. Yeah. I know. Just do it. In fact, make it 225 if that makes you uncomfortable. Plan accordingly. 2. Cut up your potatoes so there’s approximately a uniform size – this helps everybody cook the same. Try to err on the larger side, tiny ones will lack the fulsome love we are inspiring. 3. Put them in a big bowl. Pour some olive oil on top. Then sprinkle the rosemary and the salt in and stir. Stir a lot so everybody’s coated. 4. Lay them across a nice big cookie sheet. Don’t pour a ton of oil in there, they coated themselves in the bowl and we’re not frying here, we’re roasting. 5. Put the pan in the oven. Shut the door. And let them cook for about two hours, maybe three. Yeah. I know. It’s the whole point. LONG. SLOW. LOW. That’s what makes them sooooo good. By the way, if you’re feeling fancy you can toss in some cut up garlic. Sometimes I do. Sometimes I don’t. Call it the whimsy factor. In any case – what you’re gonna do is EYEBALL them after about two hours when you come back in from raking leaves, making cocktails, whatever… reading if you like that kind of thing. You’re looking for them to be a wee bit shrivelly looking, but not totally desiccated. Cut one in half and see what the inside is like if you get scared. I find that if I get impatient, kicking up the heat to 300 AFTER two hours can shorten the time and do okay. It’s pretty hard to do bad things unless you’ve cut them too small. So don’t. And if you get impatient, learn to improve yourself. Walk it off. Wait. And trust. Because after about 2.5 hours – you’ll find a slightly crunchy, tough exterior that is filled with the creamiest, butteriest mixture inside. It’s hard to believe really. It’s like a potato stuffed with mashed potato that’s flavored like roast potatoes. And all it takes is time. And patience. Even I freak out now and then and check them, I admit it. That’s a long time to ignore something in the oven. But in all seriousness, the best ones take about 2.5 hours.


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