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Smashed Roasted Red Potatoes

Category: Potatoes






* 6 red potatoes, do not peel (amount depends on how many are eating I use large reds and figure one to two per person) * olive oil * salt & pepper (to taste) * 1 tablespoon salt, for boiling water * fresh herbs of choice (thyme, rosemary, garlic) * parmesan cheese


Wash and scrub potatoes. Leave skin on. Place in large pot filled with water until potatoes are covered and add salt. Bring to boiling, boil until knife goes through potato easily. Drain and lay potatoes on clean dish towel until dry and cooled enough to handle. Mean while line a baking sheet with foil and drizzle a small amount of olive oil over foil. Heat oven to 375°F. When potatoes are cooled place potato on pan and smash with palm of your hand or heavy spatula until potato is flattened repeat with all potatoes. Season with salt and pepper. Drizzle with olive oil. Top with herbs and Parmesan. If using other cheeses wait until last few minutes of cooking to melt cheese. Bake until golden about 15 to 20 minutes. Remove with spatula.


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