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Sunday Dinner Rolls

Category: Breads






1 stick of sweet butter, melted 2 cups milk (whole, 2%, 1%, or skim…whatever, it all works fine) 1 egg 2 tablespoons sugar 2 teaspoons salt 1 tablespoon yeast 1 cup of whole wheat white flour or 1 cup flour 3 to 4 cups flour


Step One (begin in the morning) Melt one stick of sweet butter. Add to the melted butter 2 cups of milk, 1 egg, 2 tablespoons sugar, 2 teaspoons salt. Pour all of this into the bowl of your stand mixer that is fitted with the paddle attachment. Add 1 tablespoon yeast and one cup whole wheat white flour or just plain old white flour. Turn the mixer on to a medium speed and let it mix for 3 minutes. After the three minutes scrap the mixer bowl down and turn it on to a low speed. Begin gradually adding white flour by the cup, pausing between cups to allow the mixer to incorporate the flour into the dough. You should be adding 3 to 4 cups depending upon the weather. Once the dough clears the bowl and spins freely in the bowl you will want to stop the mixer and feel the dough. If it still sticks to your hands you can knock it off the paddle and add more flour…but go easy because you don’t want the dough to be too dry…it should just barely cling to your hand. Once it’s at the right consistency you should switch from the paddle to the bread hook. let the bread hook work the dough for at least 7 minutes. Once the time is up, stop the mixer, move the dough to a oiled work bowl, flip the dough about a bit in the bowl to get the top side oiled and then cover it with saran and put it in the refrigerator. For most of the day you should feel free to absolutely ignore it. If you feel so inclined you can poke at it, or if it’ll make you feel better you can actually take it out of the refrigerator, punch it down and then put it back in…but you don’t have to. Step Two (1.5 hours before you wish to eat dinner) Remove the dough from the refrigerator and toss it out onto a counter lightly dusted with flour. Give it a few punches and roll it about a bit to deflate it. Walk away from it for ten minutes. When you return divide the dough into two equal pieces and begin to roll it and shape it with your hands into a long cylinder of dough. Once you complete one move on to the other, letting the first one rest. Don’t fret about the actual shape or anything other than just trying to create a log of dough that is about 15 inches long. The cut the logs into piece about 1.5 to 2 inches wide. Arrange these pieces on parchment covered cookie sheets. Place a clean dish towel on top of each sheet and walk away for another 20 to 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 425F. Step Three (you’re only a few minutes from eating these tasty morsels, can you believe it?) With a sharp paring knife you will slit each roll with a shallow gash. Then slide one sheet of rolls in the oven. I have a convection oven and it takes about 12 minutes so I think 15 would suffice for other ovens. However, you actually set the timer for 8 minutes and then you keep a close eye on them thereafter. When they’re golden brown they’re done. Take them out, dump them on to a cooling rack and bake the second sheet.


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